Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I am a wretched beast of a girl.

Tonight I watched the Republican Convention.  It is a bit different from the Democratic Convention, not worse really just different.  That is not the point.  The point is that I am the devil.  From the beginning of all this brouhaha of primaries and speeches and all, I have made fun of John McCain's mannerisms.  "He looks like one of those tin monkeys banging a drum.  All mechanical and everything." I am a jerk.  You see, I watched the speech given by Fred Thompson tonight.  He did a great job painting the picture of the war hero that served this country, was captured, and then tortured.  I didn't realize that his shoulders were so badly broken that he cannot raise his arms above his shoulders.  I didn't realize he cannot salute the flag of the country he chose to defend.  The country I live in that gives me the right to say whatever I want, even things about those who defended my right.  It is so easy to find an odd thing about someone and exploit it.  To take it to the most ridiculous extreme as if it has any merit whatsoever.  It was for all of us that he is like that today, and I rewarded him with hateful words.  I am a spoiled American brat and I should smack my face for it.    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually was searching for something else and saw ur blog entry... its nice when someone realizes the sacrifice that so many men have paid for total stranges like us. No one has to like McCain or anything he says but its hard not to respect the man for all that he has done. I wish I could say the same of more of our elected officials.