Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Love Notes and Thank You's

Yesterday was a crazy day at work. I had not been there Friday due to the weather, and yesterday I paid for it. Bills to prepare, calls to return, proverbial fires left and right just screaming for attention.

Still, it wasn't the worst day I've ever had, just busy and unrelenting. At one point in the day clients had brought in their daughter. I thought they left and heard a little girl's voice and thought perhaps my sister had brought in her daughter to visit with her daddy, one of the CPA's.

But alas, I looked up to see this little dark haired cutie in the place of what I was hoping to be a very fair and blonde little munchkin. Oh well, all the same, didn't have time to make a fuss over her as I love to do.

I stayed past my normal closing time due to some things that needed to go out in the mail, and just having the time to attend to things withougt interruption once the day "officially" ended.

So, I grabbed my things and headed home. A quick glance reminded me that I needed to get gas and I was going to go to a Giant store because I was so close to ten cents off. It would just kill me to get it anywhere else.

To be certain I would receive the discount I went in for a few things I needed before pumping the gas, as I walked in, I started looking for signs as to where things were in this particular store.

I headed into one aisle and I thought I heard McKenna's voice say "Aunt Stacy". I thought okay, seriously, you can see her in a few days, don't be psycho about it. Then I heard Janelle say, "No, that's not Aunt Stacy." I came back out of my aisle and looked over to see them standing by the strawberries.

I know there are a lot of cliche's about meeting people in the grocery store, but I was just so thankful to run into them in the store that I don't usually go to, I just needed gas, and because I'm cheap I wanted to spend money to save money regardless of the true sound financial wisdom or not.

Anyway, I got to squeeze the munchkin and hold her. We decided to shop together for which I was thankful again because Janelle started to feel ill from looking at the food, and I stayed with Kenna to pick out yams together and fetch anything else that could easily anger the very fragile balance of a pregnant woman's gastrointestinal fortitude.

Janelle very graciously let me buy a chocolate donut for McKenna. I don't know why I buy crap for my nieces and nephews. I guess, in the true sense it was a treat for me and I wanted her to have a treat too.

I went throught the check out first and when the checker saw McKenna, she asked Janelle if she wanted a paid sticker. She said sure. I put it on McKenna's hand. I thought, how strange to put a paid sticker on a person. I quickly thought of slavery, child trafficing, and truly heinous things that just make me sad, but then my thoughts came to rest on the fact that I have a paid sticker on myself. You can't see it, but it is there. It cannot be removed, will not fade, and is unmistakable.

I walked with them to the parking lot and then got my car fuled up. I drove home very thankful for the orchestration God so flawlessly worked out so that I could see two of my favorite people on this earth, and that in the midst of today's gift, He reminded me of the gift He gives me every day. He didn't have to, He just did, and so for my love note from Heaven come to life, I say thank you Lord, and wanted to share it with you.