Monday, September 15, 2008

My Dad Is Tops

My Honda needed some work done, new brake shoes, an oil change, and tire rotation.  I had no idea what brake shoes even were.  I said, Dad, I will get someone to do them.  He said, no, I will do them.  Turns out because of vacations and scheduling we couldn't do them until yesterday.  I say we, I got tools and pieces, but we all know who did the work.  So, I'm sitting there watching my dad change these shoes.  It wasn't going so well at first.  He never changed them on a Honda before and it was a pain in the rear! Never mind the fact that it was hot as a mother yesterday and they had no fan to bring out to the garage! Of course the hottest day in a while and that is the day we need to get this done.  So, he's fiddling, trying this way, trying that way.  I could tell it was getting old.  I tried to suggest things or help pull the springs to the correct spot.  Turns out my help is no help at all at times.  It's okay, I understand.  But, I thought I had to at least offer to help.  So, it takes nearly 45 minutes to get the first one on and I'm thinking, oh, the second is going to be time for cursing.  But, I forgot how mechanical my dad is and the second took 10 minutes.  Turns out, the order is muy importante.  The second one really went by quickly, I was trying to get something out of my eye and the next time I looked up, it was done.  We rotated the tires, I tightened lug nuts.  Woo hoo, watch me go.  We also wanted to do an oil change and I thought he would say let's do this another day.  But no, we jacked up the front of the car and we drained the oil.  Now the oil filter on a Honda is a mystery.  You can reach it, but you cannot see it.  So, that was a bit of a fun time too.  So, two and some hours later, we are both covered in car dirt, sweaty as all get out and tired.  You see, this would all be wonderful regardless, but knowing that my dad has some muscle damage from his motorcycle accident a few years ago makes it humbling.  I am amazed by my Dad's spirit of service to his grown daughter, all to help me save 300 bucks or so.  Some would say it is stubbornness on his part.  I'm not going to say there is none of that, but more than that, I know he was just helping me out.  I often think about all of the things he has done for me over my lifetime.  I cannot possibly repay him for all of his love, encouragement, help, and time spent with him.  Even though I think I'm so independent and grown up, I just couldn't help remember being little and riding big wheels in his basement office while he worked.  Or just playing outside while he was in the garage working on something.  I kind of reverted to that on Sunday, just watching my dad work.  I'm so thankful he could help me and even more thankful he is a man of his word regardless of the heat or level of difficulty for the task.  And that ladies and gentlemen is why my dad is tops!     

1 comment:

Rachel Elek said...

Yes Sir, Mr Jay Leno!