Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Is The Deal With Fire?

You have to read the title like Jerry Seinfeld would say it.  I was watching the news and because the Phillies won the World Series they were showing live coverage of Broad Street.  There were a bunch of fires burning in the street.  If I didn't know that it was a celebration, I would have thought it was a riot for some political protest.  I myself am going to a bon fire on Saturday night and cannot wait, but I'm not going to be getting up on hay bales and shouting crazy yays.  It makes me think how funny it is that we celebrate with fire and protest with fire.  Why fire? Now, I am not a macro-evolutionist by any stretch of the God designed imagination.  But if we are so evolved as a human species, why do we revert to such "primitive" displays of expression? 

Pyromaniacs Unite!

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