I believe the Bible. I believe that Jesus will come back one day. I believe that no one, even Harold, does not know the day or the time. However, if he is wacked out for saying he definitely knows the day and time. Aren't we wacked out if we say that we know it definitely won't be that day and time? Isn't that doing the same thing, just in the reverse order?
When the buzz was about that the world was "suppose to end" on the 21st, I heard people say we know if won't be the 21st. But we don't know that. Every second, every day is a 50/50 shot at the rapture happening. I just imagine someone who doesn't really know much about all of this asking someone who does, and that person saying, it won't happen the 21st. If all it took to be certain the rapture would not happen, was to say the rapture would happen, then I can say it will happen every day for the next ten years and in doing so, make certain I had ten more years to do whatever in blazes I wanted to do.
I think it unlikely to be the time Camping says, but how can I think to know anything about such topics when the Son of God doesn't even know? Is that giving us a false sense of time? Redeem the time because the days are evil, work to let people know that even though wackos twist the truth, the Truth is that one day Jesus will return and a whole lot of stuff is going to go down. So if it is in the next two days, three years, or twelve centuries from now, we are to live like the next second is the last. And yet, we/I push it out of our minds and think, I have time, I have time. If that sense of time is anything like me getting ready in the morning, then Lord help me, because it will come quickly and unexpectedly. How can I dawdle, when there is an unknown deadline looming?
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