It is weird that when I was in the apartment, I was writing pretty often. Since I’ve been at the house, I have written one post. Not that I haven’t thought of anything, maybe because some things need to be said at times and at other times, it doesn’t matter if other people know what you think. There is a balance of voicing thoughts and opinions that I am still in the process of perfecting.
Here is one I have been dwelling on for a while.
What is the deal with Republicans?
You see, I am a card carrying Republican. I think that the basic premise of the party, at least historically, is sound and makes the most sense to me. However, I have realized in conversations with those that do not hold my party affiliation, that there are some vast disconnects between ideals, and practice. I wish I was much more up to date on things and could have really intricate discussions with people regarding politics.
What I have learned is this. If I don’t know something, I need to say so, no need trying to pretend I know if I don’t. I will ask questions, really trying to listen for the answer, and not think of a rebuttal, this isn’t a debate for credit. If immediate silence on my part makes the other person feel like they “win” so be it, a thought through response is better than a quick one. (still practicing) Google, is my new best friend, cross referencing tool, over informative place for all things “news". Most “news” today is biased; I need to look for facts outside of opinionated adjectives. I can learn from those who disagree with me. Having a D behind your name, does not equal religious infringing moron, having and R behind your name does not equal conservative Christian hero. I need to put into practice the ideals I have.
It is the last thing on which I would like to elaborate for a spell. I was talking to one of my bosses during one of our many long conversations on politics. The most infamous of these conversations was when he came into my office said, “Not to start a long conversation, but what do you think of Sarah Palin right now”, and then left two hours later.
On this particular occasion, we were talking about social programs and the role of government in the issues we face as a nation. I have heard many times that a lot of people have issues with Republican practices because they are cheap on social funding. And many think Democrats, raise taxes to hand it out to people who don’t work. The truth is, when we oversimplify things, it may be easier to deal with them, but it does not take into account the individual and the fact that many people using social services really need the help. These people very well may have jobs, love their family, be responsible, etc, etc,. But, in keeping with the generalities, I stated that the real problem is that the church at one time took care of the needs of many of the people in the community. There has been a pulling away from being the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us and so the government, seeing the need, filled in to meet the need. This, created a larger government, and created more ways for people to abuse the system because let’s face it; it is difficult to keep tabs on millions of people collecting things. (There are a myriad of counter motives to this altruistic action I am certain, but for the sake of this blog, let’s just hope for the best as far as the reasoning for the government beefing up public works projects.)
So, mid sentence as I was blaming the church as a whole, I realized that I am part of that church as a whole and that I was doing nothing to help those around me. I may sponsor a child in Dominican, or give some money to the latest mission team, but why do I look outside the contiguous US for missions?
If all the people who call themselves Christians would be aware of and fill a need, we could greatly reduce the need for social programs, limiting government, and getting back to a more streamlined, historic view of governmental roles, the reason I am Republican. I am using the Republican party as an example, because I am one and know a lot of people in the party, and a lot of them call themselves Christian, though neither one is a requirement for the other. Republican, Democrat, Green, Independent, whatever your affiliation politically, if you are a Christian, you have a first priority to emulate Christ. He met needs, He cared for people, He fed people if he could, and yet, He turned some away later when He knew they were taking advantage of Him. We are not to be foolish with resources; we are to be selfless with our resources.
I know a lot of my friends who are Christians and Democrat, are Democrat for the social issues. They want to help people. And it is not to say they are letting the government do it all. Many of them are very giving of their personal resources. I guess my convoluted point is this; for so long I was speaking politically without realizing the first call to action was and is to speak as a Christian. To know that whatever government model, whatever party holds the most power, my goal and action should not change. Instead of worrying about who will be running in 2012, and who said what about whom, I should be wondering if that person I saw cross the street in Pottstown that looked a bit rough around the edges has a place to sleep tonight. I should be wondering if there is anything else I can do for the food bank, or the Salvation Army. Instead, I am all too inclined to watch 20 minutes of news, catch something from Fox, balance it out with CNN, and then get caught up in a rerun of Friends, or google Stefon, or whatever else that doesn’t matter five seconds from the end of it much less for entire lifetime or even more truthfully, an eternity.
So, my admonition to myself is to do this: To look for the practical ways to show the reason I am a Christian. To take may faith out of the walls of a church that may or may not have a steeple, to get rid of a list of things I do or don’t do, and to allow the Spirit of the Most High to lead me to do His work. This is not going to be easy for me. I live in the land of theory and easily dissected right and wrong, safe and foolish, and repeating to do lists. But, if I am working to be the body of Christ and serve as Jesus served, government models and party affiliation will take a back seat to the task at hand of serving those around me who need. And in by doing I will be putting into practice my ideals of government, and then I will be practicing what I believe. And when someone asks me why I am doing what I am doing I will say it is because I am so thankful for what Jesus did for me, and not because I’m a Republican.