Last night I had tickets to the Iron Pigs game. I took Erin and Caleb and had an extra ticket, so Janelle and
McKenna came along as well. We got there with what we thought was plenty of time, but due to the rain the night before the cancelled game was being played as well so they started at six and we were nearly an hour late. No worries, we were going to have fun anyway. After parking in Somalia and walking up the hill with my pregnant sister and two year old niece, being passed by shuttle carts with smirking twenty something men who clearly don't know what chivalry means, we approached the gate. After getting in we started the maze of people dodging that left one of
McKenna's shoes somewhere behind us and we may never have retrieved it were it not for the kindness of a stranger. After a scolding from my sister for not knowing a shoe fell off someone
else's body, and finding out Erin had stepped over it thinking it was some strangers, we got to our seats with
everyone's personal effects intact.
Now began the process of getting people dinner. I was responsible for Erin and Caleb and so I
divided and conquered. Well, I divided anyway. Erin wanted corn, we got corn, she wanted soda, we got soda. Sent her down, she sent Caleb up. Caleb wanted pizza and soda. Then I walked him down to the seat and went and bought my own dinner. Let me tell you, the corn is so good. I know, there are
cheese steaks, and burgers, and whatever else. But corn, and pork kabobs, yum!
So, I go down, eat my food, and Caleb says he is still hungry, not a surprise, I had been warned.
So, I said please let me finish this mess and then we will go. Luckily my sister has insane amounts of baby wipes and I could clean my hands. I picked two of the messiest things of course. So, Caleb wanted corn and Erin wanted pizza. I was glad to get it for them, but I came to realize the scene in A Christmas Story where the Mom gets up to get food for people after they each wait for her to sit down isn't so far from real life.
First game ends and Erin has to use the bathroom. So, we go, and we got ice. I got one, she got one, and I got Caleb cotton candy. I know, I'm poisoning them!
I know prices are steep at ballparks, but after I left with my ice, I had the realization and it just came out of my mouth, "I just spent 3.50 on ice." Erin heard me and without much time to think says, "Maybe its the economy." I laughed and said, yeah I think it is. She's hilarious. Well, we had a good time and ate things that shouldn't be legal. Caleb turned into a sugar tornado that was not to be reckoned with. I felt my leg getting wet and heard fizzing. Soda was spewing and when I looked he had finally gotten the cap on. I asked if he shook his soda and he said yes. I asked why and of course there was no answer. Between that and the cotton candy all over his face he needed to be hosed off, but baby wipe to the rescue, we survived.
McKenna of course, was a form of entertainment, getting excited for
Fefe and Ferrous, clapping with a fry in one hand and a bit of chicken in the next. She enjoyed the ice she shared with Janelle as well. We all love sugar!
Another trip to the bathroom with Caleb proved to be an interesting tale. He wanted to go into the
men's room. No doubt due to my covering his eyes upon our first entrance into the ladies room. I know, a bit overkill. But, after watching any Dateline episode after 1994, I am so hesitant to let him out of my sight. Luckily a nice lady said there was a family restroom, so, I turned around and let him deal. No sooner was the door closed that the toilet flushed and he was washing his hands. So unfair to be a woman at a public venue. I always knew that. But seriously, how is it possible for it to be done so quickly?!?!!!!
We headed down to our seats and left shortly after. We all walked down and I held
McKenna to make it a bit faster, though we were still checking for shoes quite often.
All in all, a great game. We lost the first game, don't know who won the second. I never go for the game really. Just the scene. Love the chaos for a short time, the goofy things they do to pass the time. The odd conversations you can overhear, and the cool weather and bright lights once the sun goes down. Can't beat the company with a stick either. Well, I guess technically you could, but it is illegal and I love them way too much to do that anyway.
I even saw Deanna
Gehman, she was there with a group from church, and I get to see her in two weeks at the
Musselman reunion. A good start to the summer. Spent way too much money on food for a night and could have lived for two weeks if it were the grocery store, but so glad to do it. There are so many things I will remember, definitely the
economy comment, bathrooms and soda with Caleb, and
McKenna's exuberance at anything musical or pig mascot, and
Janelle's comments while being passed by a shuttle cart. Seriously, those of you who know her, know it is hard not to laugh when she gets a bit irritated, yet is being lighthearted about the situation.
Good times, good times!