Thursday, December 17, 2009
My Little Town
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Every Two Weeks
The amount of my pay changed in the summer when a work purchase program ended and I received the remainder of my pay. It was perfect timing as He always has because I had been budgeting, trying to figure out when I could pay off such and such and how much I could save for a new car, and a down payment for a house. And I came to a realization that it still wasn’t enough for what I wanted to accomplish. However, it was and is enough for what I need.
It hit me one day when I opened the envelope to record in my bank book the deposit that God was trying to give me Jeremiah 29:11. 11 “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
God knows when all of those dreams will come true or if they will come true. I am to praise Him for providing what He provides, when He provides it.
I know that there are many who have had a rough financial time this year. I do not mean to smack a verse on it and make it all better. The context of the verse speaks volumes. God is speaking to the captives taken from Jerusalem to Babylon. He says, plant roots, it will be a while. Prosper in that city you find yourself, when the city prospers, you will prosper. Marry, have children, and all the while stay true to me because I am not finished with you. You won’t be there forever, just for seventy years, but I will come and fulfill my promises to you after that time. He says it best.
10 This is what the LORD says: "When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity. [b] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile."
I know this is written to Israel, but I am encouraged by it today. I am reminded of Jesus’ words to the disciples in John 14;
1"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God[a]; trust also in me. 2In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going."
As I read these words today, I am encouraged by the Truth that Jesus is coming back. He will one day according to His gracious promise, come and release us from this spiritual exile we find ourselves now. We have planted roots, married, multiplied, and prospered along with those who do not believe as we do. But all the while, we know we are not home.
There is a lot going on in this world, in our country, in our homes, in our individual lives. And when I start to get overwhelmed with all the possibilities and unknowns of the future, God reminds me He has the plans. And as much as I hate the need to know basis of any relationship, this is one I have to learn to accept, and one I need many reminders to be still and know that He is God. And so He gives them to me, if not sooner, every two weeks.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.
I have friends whose oldest boy was born without one of his hands. His arm is near the full length of the other one, but his hand is not there. While for others who do not know him it may be a surprise to see him when first meeting him, it has become to me, part of who he is. I really don’t notice it usually. He is so much more than the absence of his hand. It also helps that he isn’t still for more than five seconds at a time.
From the time he was very young he has been fitted with prosthesis to get him use to it. As he ages the complexity of the hand will improve. It is thought it may be so intricate as to play the piano some day. It is truly amazing what science can afford each new generation.
On Sunday I had the privilege of filling in for the three, four and five class. He was in the class. Our lesson was on how God created us, each one differently, each in His image, and each he knew since before we were born. We spoke on how some are tall, some are short, some have dark skin, some have light skin, but each loved equally by God and no one person ought to think himself more important than he is.
Our craft was to measure each child’s height, arm length, leg length, head circumference, and then each child would trace their hand and draw a self portrait in the designated rectangle.
When I got to this child, I measured the arm with the hand and wrote down the length. I moved on to his leg. He said, “Hey, what about this one? This one is different.” So, I said, “Okay, we can measure that one.” I finished measuring and once I was finished with all the other kids, I helped them trace their hands. I got to him again and traced his hand. And he said, “I want to trace this hand too, so everyone knows it’s me.” I said, “Okay, we can do that!”
As I began to trace his little nubby as they call it, I couldn’t help but be so excited that he was celebrating what many people would lament. I drew from around where his arm began to taper to the end and brought it up around the other side. As he lifted his arm off the paper I saw one perfectly formed hand next to an oddly misshapen nubby. As I looked at the paper I saw a thing of beauty, and though a hand was missing, it was complete and as it should be. It is my favorite craft I’ve been involved with to date.
“Suffer the little children to come unto Me.”, Jesus said. I’m so thankful for it, because kids have a way of rebuking adults of which they are blissfully unaware. There are many things I wish I could change about myself. I wish I were shorter, didn’t have the bone structure of my German heritage, could actually grow finger nails, and there are other things as well. But I cannot change my genetic makeup. And I shouldn’t want to. And when I see someone with something that has the potential of limiting him much more than any of my issues, I am reminded that I am ungrateful. And I realize I have forgotten that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Are You Freaking Kidding Me?
Representative Wilson, though ill timed and untactful at best was responding to a hotly debated national, high budget concern. I do not think he did the Republican party any favors with his outburst, but let's get real. In 1856 Preston Brooks beat Charles Sumner over the head until he was unconcious! That is a true scandal. That is something to apologize over and over about, not a sophomoric outburst. Wilson has apologized to the President directly. I wish people would focus on the topic of discussion that drew such a cry as opposed to repremanding the crier. He apologized, he knows he was an idiot for it, now move on. Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors!
Contrastly, Kanye West grabs the microphone from a teenager accepting and award and says whatever he wants and people are "so over it". I mean like totally, how many times can he possibly say sorry? It's not like he pushed her or anything!
I tried to write my best valley girl, but I really cannot stand the intonation and I must get it out of my head now.
But my point is this, his remark was about a music video. A music video people. Who cares!? People are willing to move past his rudeness and get back to the business of entertainment, but we cannot let go of you lie and get back to serving the American people.
Please do not misunderstand. I do not think it is in any way becoming of anyone to disrupt a speech and especially that of the President. But with the topic at hand, I think we can all realize he let his emotions get the best of him. I've heard more strongly worded nonsense when listening to football recaps Monday morning.
I read one article that said Wilson meant to say "boy" at the end of his outburst. Oh please, get over it. The only people making a big deal out of the President's skin color are his supporters. I don't get it! My disagreements with him are soley on policy. Hence I dislike the governing policies just as much if not more so, of Nancy Pelosi. I have nothing nice to say about her and will end my mention of her post haste as to retain my Christian witness!
So I guess if I'm ever to make a public spectacle of myself I should be certain it is over somethign superfluous and inane. Heaven forbid I should voice my disdain for something potentially impacting billions of dollars and millions of people!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Excuse Me, Excuse Me, What's My Motivation?
I have been thinking a lot about running lately. Mostly because I’ve been doing a lot of running. More truthfully, slow jogging, but you get the picture. I am training for a half marathon. It is going to be the longest I’ve ever run at one time. I suspended my gym membership to utilize the beauty of the outdoors, but with the weather this summer, it has been a constant game of thunderstorm tetris. Now with the humidity we’ve seen the last two weeks, I have an added challenge. But, no one ever said reaching a goal would be easy. So, I continue to push myself, to try to go faster, farther, and keep my mind on my form and breathing.
A lot can go through your mind while jogging. I’ve prayed for nearly everyone I know and daydreamed about many things. I’ve also thought about the apostle Paul and his use of the analogy of our Christian life being a race.
I realize going into my “race”, that I’m not going to win. Some would say, why would you try at something you know you won’t win? My goal is to finish. If I finish, I win. That is my prize. Some may race for the prize of first over the finish line. The day may come when that may be my goal. For now, to finish without walking is my goal. If I must walk because like the other day the humidity made it so I had to chew the air I was breathing, then so be it. But my goal is to finish with a 14 minute average. Starting this adventure my average was more like 15 minutes.
Jogging is a very solitary activity. It is in contrast to most things I enjoyed as a child and a teenager. Volleyball, not so fun with one person. There are only so many times you can bump the ball to yourself or practice setting, and then you just look sad. Basketball, sure you can practice layups, dribbling, and rebounds even, but again, there comes a point when you just want at least one other person to challenge you. On the contrary, jogging for me is best when I am alone.
On the occasion I find myself at the track by myself I relish it. When people come and start jogging around I find myself comparing our speed, form, and breathing. I become more focused on them than I am on myself which, for a jogger, is mental surrender. So, I remind myself that this is for me. It does not matter if others finish first. I may be jogging more miles, and they may be training for speed and I’m training for endurance. And that got me wondering what is that prize Paul is talking about?
I started out trying to go fast, working on speed and wanting to be done within a certain amount of time. Then I realized I needed to go for distance and started to work at going farther and farther. The more miles I did, the better I became and naturally the time started to fall off as I became faster. My goal of distance helped me reach my secondary goal of speed. The secondary goal that for too long I had as the primary. Incidentally, the last I ran, my average was just over 13 minutes, so it even helped me surpass my goal of speed.
In the analogy of the race in the Bible, Paul speaks of running the race to win the prize. I took this as being like Jesus. We all hear, I want to be like Jesus, would Jesus do that? Would you say that if Jesus were here? You get the point. Paul also speaks of a desire to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the glory of His suffering.
If I am striving to know the Savior on a more personal level every day, I cannot help but be conformed to His image. When I know Him, I will be guided more fully by His Holy Spirit keeping me from things, guiding me to where I should be. Helping me guard my tongue, heart, and mind. To know Him, is to be like Him. So like running where my goal was to go faster, it didn't happen until I aimed at going farther. Likewise, my desire to be like Jesus, will only come when I really know who He is.
I am a fifties music junkie and my sister Michelle for the life of her cannot understand my taste in music. The feeling is mutual, K.C. and the Repetitive Band is no match for The Platters, but in any case, there is a song from the fifties that is really schmaltzy and it says. To know know know him is to love love love him and I do ... and I do… and I do…..Insert overly swooning intonation and background singers galore and you get the picture. A cute little song, not one of my favorites and I could live quite happily never hearing the song again. But I think in the sense of getting to know Jesus it is true. There is a difference in knowing what Jesus did and knowing who He is. I can be thankful for what he did without knowing Him. I could go my whole life being redeemed because I believe what He did for me. But I'd be missing out on so much if I didn't try to know Him. The more I know Him, the more I love Him. it would be impossible not to, and that is the beauty. When our goals are righted, our outcome is sure.
Now since I began to write this post a few weeks ago, there has been a hindrance not laid aside. I sprained my toe and have been advised by the doctor to sit this race out. To say I am disappointed is a gross understatement. The fact that the injury happened while killing a bug and stepping off my bed simultaneously, is just unbelievable! However, it lends itself quite readily into the analogy. The Christian life is full of bumps, missteps, stupid things we never would have dreamed would cause harm. Yet, like for the body, there is healing. I'm just glad I don't have to wait three weeks for forgiveness or to get back in the race.
I will train again at the end of these three weeks and I can't wait for whatever else God wants to teach me through it. So great how He meets us where we are!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Smell The Honeysuckle!
Another good time was going to the library. For a family with five kids, a free library card from Howard County was just the ticket for most summer afternoons when we were bouncing off the walls. We would go, spend some time out of the house and pick out some books. When we would walk out to the car, my mom would most often say, “Smell the honeysuckle.” She wouldn’t just say it though; she would exclaim it refreshingly as though she had just received a present she had always wanted. When we were little and had no idea what things lived in bushes or peed on them, we would suck out the nectar. I do not do that anymore, but I do still on occasion, smell the honeysuckle.
There has been a recent rash of such occasions. On 222 going toward Kutztown there are bushes along the highway. There is honeysuckle there. And when I am driving down the hill and singing at the top of my lungs, I get hit with the unmistakable fragrance and have no choice, but to smell the honeysuckle. I think it is funny how so many years later I still feel like a little kid when I smell it. Sweet and flowery with a hint of savory, what’s not to love? Just kidding about the savory part, but some people will get a kick out of that, Janelle and Jen I’m sure, will remember the reference.
In any case, as long as I live I hope to equate that smell with a fun summer afternoon at the library and the admonition of my mother to be thankful and always surprised at the sweet unexpected blessing of honeysuckle.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Channel Surfing Gone Awry
Perhaps even more disturbing than she are those who are competing to be her BFF. You are on a game show to be friends with a girl who publicly trashed her true life, long time, best friend, and you want to be the replacement? There are other ways to get into show business.
I am not sure if the producers were aware, but the last F is supposed to be forever. The notion of having a sequel to a”forever” is fundamentally unacceptable. Where is the first winner of the forever friend position? No one knows and this year, no one cares.
Needless to say I did not watch. I think I probably watched travel shows or even PCN tours learning how they make reproduction furniture in Lititz. That is interesting, not socialite speech peppered with blackberry abbreviations.
IDK, maybe I am more upset with the fact that a show like that is on the air and they took away Pushing Daisies or that I’m hardly ever home to watch 30 Rock.! Truthfully I’ve never forgiven the networks for pulling American Dreams back in 2005 and as sure as all get out, I will never forgive them for ending Family Ties! Alex could be president by now dealing with his opposing parents as lobbyist for clean air initiatives, while Jennifer becomes the first platinum blonde Supreme Court justice, Mallory designs fashion wear for the space program, and Andy lives in a van in the dessert of Utah studying newts.
But alas, all good things must come to an end. I only wish these inane game shows would disappear. Oh, and I also wish for world peace.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Vacation Observation
In some ways I am glad to be back and getting into “normal” life again. For one thing, the temptation of copious amount of sweets will be no more. And I have plans to visit soon with a few friends I haven’t seen in quite some time.
I wanted to share something I observed while at the pool one day. Thursday we decided to go to the pool. Earlier in the week we had gone to the lake and even though it is beautiful and the beach was nice, I do not like swimming in the lake. Give me chlorine so strong it could kill a legion of aquatic wild life and I am a happy girl.
The fact that we had agreed on the pool made me happy to be able to swim. I will never be an Olympic swimmer, I don’t really know how to swim, but I move my arms and my legs and I stay afloat and get to where I want to go, to me, that is all I need. And no, it is not a dog paddle.
This is probably the first time since I was ten I did not imagine a shark coming to get me as I swam. Yes I realize sharks do not live in pools. However, after seeing a James Bond movie when I was young where an evil maniac releases a shark into a pool where 007 was swimming, I have envisioned this scene while swimming in pools. Fear is not always rational, so back up off me.
It was a good time with sisters and nieces as the boys were out fishing. Mom and Nana were even there on the lawn chairs in the shade, just enjoying the day.
I got out of the pool to get ready to leave and sat on my towel to people watch. I was next to my mother in her chair and we both saw the same thing. A man who looked to be in his seventies came walking up to the deep end. He was walking slowly, using a cane as he went. I watched him because I was a bit concerned for his safety. He was dressed for swimming, but still, it can be slippery near a pool and I just was hoping he would not fall around the edge of the pool. After what seemed to be forever, he got near enough and with one fluid and uncharacteristic swift motion he pushed his cane to the side and pushed off the ground to launch into the pool for a swim.
I turned to Mom and asked if she had seen what I saw. She said yes. I said that is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. That would be a way better commercial for Nestea than anything I’ve ever seen them come up with for an idea.
There are so many areas of life where I could apply this word picture. I should not be afraid of change, I should not hold on to things I think will help me but only make the transition awkward. I should never act as though I’m old although the time will come I am sure when I will not be able to move as I once could. That is just the beginning of all the things. I’m sure you have some of your own. I’m just sad for you that you were not there to see it.
Next time you are in an opportunity to people watch. Look for the little kids and the elderly. In my experience, they have taught me much more than the middle aged crowd. Perhaps I am too close to the middle age bracket I cannot fully appreciate it at this time. But who knows, some day I may be creeping toward the edge of a pool wondering why young people have become so voyeuristic.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
And I Quote "______"
If you spend any time with me or any of my siblings you will come to find out that we have a sickness. We remember and frequently quote lines from movies, shows, songs, conversations, etc., etc.
We are storehouses of useless information and during a game of 90's Trivial Persuit, the dvd edition, my dad said he didn't know if he should be proud or disappointed. I have asked myself the same question many times. If only Jeopardy questions were about Friends, Full House, and Bon Jovi lyrics, I'd be worth millions right now.
My entire family can converse for nearly a half an hour and not actually speak to each other. One person will say, "Are you sure nobodys follow us?" and it is all over. We go from one scene to the next and retell The Princess Bride interchanging characters at whim. We really have quite a dizzying intellect. And if someone would say the phrase mostly anything, then it's on. Poor people who don't know and love the movie the way we do must hate us. And the sad things is we don't really care, it is a compulsion to finish the interplay. There is no prescription or 12 step program strong enough. Of course if it had a chocolate coating to make it go down easier, I'd be willing to give it a try.
Even more confusing to people is when we quote each other. There have been many times something has been said that is just so funny to us and we never let it die. A few years ago my mom was talking to my dad and said "son" at the end. As if she were a teenage skater boy. We laughed so hard, we couldn't even believe she had heard that to use it in context with the correct intonation and everything. So funny, so we remind her and she hates it, but we love that it happened.
Of course there are the things from childhood that you cannot get rid of and one such phrase is "Smell the honeysuckle". My mom would take us to the library when we were young. She would pile us in, tell us to behave, and we'd be off to the Howard County library for books. The parking lot had so many honeysucle bushes that in the spring and summer every time we would get out of the car she would say smell the honeysuckle in a high elated tone. Then when we'd come out to go to the car the same thing. Or if we'd be driving anywhere, and pass honesuckle, she would say, "smell the honesuckle" in the same tone. The excitement and contentment never wavered, always thankful for the smell, a sweet burst of heavenly sent wonderfullness. On occasion one of us will just say it out of nowhere. We all giggle because it is so funny to us, not really sure why, but it is. Sometimes I think my mom thinks we are making fun of her. And it isn't really. We tease her, but I know each one of my siblings loves that memory. We love the sing song way it sticks in our heads and we will never forget it. The last few weeks there has been honeysuckle in bloom along the highway I take home. I say to myself in the car, smell the honeysuckle in the same way my mom did. And if God ever grants me the blessing of having children of my own I hope to pass that on to them. A simple phrase that packs a wallop of imagery and memories.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Dream or Swinemare?
I had a dream that I was at a pig roast, then when I had my food on my
plate it was a whole fetal pig, like we dissected in biology with Mrs.
I squeezed its nose to try to find out if it would come off and see what
to eat first and it started breathing and then it jumped off my plate
and ran around and I started chasing it around the yard.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Your Mom
Friday, April 24, 2009
We were studying Paul’s analogy of running a race, of counting all things as loss, and of being partakers in Christ’s suffering. As you can imagine with many different personalities, life experiences, and levels of understanding of what it is to know Christ, we had a lot of discussion. I was able to watch as one woman, who is not completely convinced of Christ’s completeness for salvation, began to have the layers of doubt removed. I saw the look on Jill’s face as some questions were asked and answers given, that this was a step forward. It is so great to see God working in someone else’s life.
A woman who has been a Christian for a few years asked how she could show her kids who Christ is in a way they can understand and want to know Him. Some offered examples from how they raised their children. But prayer really accounted for most of the advice, understandably so.
I thought of my own upbringing. We didn't have any special time of day to sit and read the Bible, or even family devotions that I remember. We did have two parents who taught us right from wrong and a responsibility to the Creator. Everyday situations became lessons in life and what God expects from us. With five children there were plenty of opportunities to learn forgiveness, sharing, thoughtfulness, the importance of being truthful, and on and on, you get the picture. More than this, I saw my parents live their faith.
I remember my mother hosting a Bible study at our house when I was little. All the little ones would be asked to play in the other room and we were only to interrupt for emergencies. When things would start to come to a close, I would walk into the room and would see the pastry of the day partially eaten, lipstick marks on the coffee cups, and a strange aroma comprised of dessert, coffee, perfume, and gum. I could never understand why my mom would invite those people to our house to read the Bible. It all seemed so completely boring to me at the time.
Fast forward twenty some years ahead and now I was one of these women invading someone else’s house, drinking their coffee, eating their pastry, and annoying their children. I am excited for Jill and for all the women there that they have begun to be the example they so badly want to be. It is nice to know that the woman who wanted to know how to show her children the way to Christ had already begun to do so.
I’m thankful for my own upbringing and how truly blessed I am for it. I don’t mean to put a Norman Rockwell point of view on my family. I had some friends say that I make it sound like my family never fights or has disagreements. I laughed because I had no idea I do that. And no, my family is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. We are fallen sinners and we get on each other’s last nerve. But, we are forgiven fallen sinners that get on each other’s last nerve, and that makes all the difference.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
A Walk To Remember
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Canned Meat and The Sign of The Times
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Absolute Power and The Coupon Nazi
I thought oh my dear heavens! What if this actually mattered. She found way too much self worth in having the authority to deny me the use of a coffee coupon. This is exactly why our government has a system of checks and balances. Absolute power corrupts absolutly, even if it is only over coffee.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Here Comes The Sun season is almost over! So, that means I can start taking vacation days! I'm going to visit Rach and Joshua in Chicago, I love that city! I love them more, so how awesome is that, a two for one deal.
And Easter is just around the corner. Easter is my favorite Holiday!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I Hate Loving People
Yes, this is not a good thing, say when you are an administrative assistant and have to deal with them. So, I began to pray for God to give me His love to show to others. I think I will never pray that prayer again.
The very next day the most annoying client we have called into the office. He is the personification of the sesame street fly in my soup guy. I guess that makes me Grover. In any case, I picked up the phone and heard his voice and could sense my attitude change. I tried to be pleasant but he has a way of just being annoying, not acting annoying he IS annoying. So, I ended that conversation as quickly as possible and hung up the phone. Later on he came in and he stands at the front counter and looks over to see what you are working on. Hey buddy, not for you, go sit down already!
Some time later I was dealing with someone who needed to send me information for 1099's via email. I opened the attachment and there was only one page where there should have been three. Three attachments three pages each. I got it conceptually, just not electronically as there was only one page each. A few emails back and forth getting more and more frustrated, I called the person. She proceeded to tell me how to open the attachment. I cut her off and said yes, I know how to open an attachment I just don't have the other pages, they are not there. Then we did a virtual phone conversations of one of these things is not like the other and finally got her to fax it to me. I was so angry at her condescending attitude.
As I started to de-stress from the conversation, I remembered my prayer to show love. I should not pray a prayer if I'm not ready for God to answer it. Situations that are stressful and frustrating require more love than the happy go lucky times. How did I think He was going to teach me to show love, with the people I already love or those I that I do not like?
It is so funny how quickly God "remembers" our prayers for things like showing love or sharing his gospel. A few years ago when I worked with a girl with whom I wanted to share the gospel. I asked for an opportunity and the next day she asked me what I believed. How awesome when He answers those prayers so promptly! Of course my flesh says okay then why not answer the prayer for more money or for a husband as quickly, but God has His reasons, I digress.
I have continued to pray for me to show love, not every day, but often. I think I pray it when I don't show love to people. So, very often. It is something I wanted to cross off my list, to accomplish and then move on. How ridiculous a notion to move on from love. I'm glad God doesn't. So, I will continue to be tested, to fail, hopefully pass a few tests, but for the rest of my God given days on this earth.
Now if only I can remember that this prayer applies to road rage I'll be onto something.